The time to shine|La hora de brillar

And we're back! Tina and Umh-Ba are enjoying this so much :3Y estamos de vuelta! Tina y Umh-Ba están disfrutando bastante esto :3
Let the voting start, again! :)!¡Que las votaciones comiencen, de nuevo! :)
And a like!¡Y un me gusta!
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8 thoughts on “The time to shine|La hora de brillar

  1. I thought it was a mad max reference.

  2. I never stopped voting. 🙂

    That’s the most excited I can remember Umh-ba being about anything. Tina’s enthusiasm is really infectious. ^^

    1. Thank you! ^ ^

      Yes! She’s usually Tina’s mischief partner.

  3. Ah! I remember the days of summer! 😀 Too bad I gotta go to work now days! Growing up just isn’t any fun what so ever!:((

    1. Doofenshmirtz said it: It doesn’t go further than a 3.0

  4. Yeah, it was totally turning into Mad Max there.
    Brilliant comic, Gual. I love the way the art -and the girls-get crazier and crazier. And the attendant’s line is just perfect. Laugh out loud funny, my friend.

    1. Thank you, very much! It’s nice to see that you like it ^ ^

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