Unrequited love! Oh the dull ache. But you guys made us like both girls so its so hard to decide who should win! Whatever happens I hope they find a way to be friends again
Esas ganas de querer decir todo y mandar a la mierda a los que no se dan cuenta, jajaja.
Ya veo como Chiqui intenta darle celos a Pedro con otro en la fiesta de 15 de Vix.
4 thoughts on “Trivial stuff|Cosas triviales”
It’s not easy being the type of person that keeps things inside and suffers silently… 🙁
Unrequited love! Oh the dull ache. But you guys made us like both girls so its so hard to decide who should win! Whatever happens I hope they find a way to be friends again
Esas ganas de querer decir todo y mandar a la mierda a los que no se dan cuenta, jajaja.
Ya veo como Chiqui intenta darle celos a Pedro con otro en la fiesta de 15 de Vix.
“Not paying much attention, are you, Vix?”