May day!

This week... or well, last week the comic update couldn't arrive at time. We had a very moved weekend with work stuff but also with funny stuff, so, time was short. Sorry, then, for the late update, next week will not be the same ;). Apologies for any typo or gramatical error. We didn't have time for submitting the english version to our "Englisheditorman". Again there are new sketches for incentives, so try voting! :D And talking about voting and rankings, we just discovered that Comic Rank page is no more active for various reasons. We'll miss that little button... In the other hand, we just want you to know something: Remember the time when we said Doodling will be in french too? No? Anyway; it never got published here at the site but, it's being uploaded at the Amilova site. Nice place for comics and even better if you're searching multilingual ones. Check the site! -> Link We must thank Troy B for letting us include our comic there. By the way, he has a comic there too. Check it -> Here And thanks too, to the person responsible for the translation in french, Kinkgirl. He has some works too. Check em' -> Here  Just a warning: Some of his work isn't safe for children. Well, see you next update! 


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