Sibling love

After a great adventure, a well deserved relaxing time :)... Or something like that.

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4 thoughts on “Sibling love

  1. So, the twins have siblings, huh?

    Micaela appears to be the bratty middle child while Adrian looks like the hapless baby who doesn’t know how to fight back. Of course, if Micaela always cheats and won’t play by the rules then Adrian will never be able to defend himself.

    Have you been waiting a long time to spring these younger siblings on us, or did you only recently decide to add them to Angelica and Rina’s family?

    Thank you for writing and drawing.

    1. The first option. If you go back to the start of the convention arc, Ange, says “Bye, mom, bye everyone”. It’s just that I hadn’t found a nice occasion to introduce them, but this latest arc gave me that chance. Now only mom’s left 😀

      I’ll do that with the families of the rest of the cast if I had the same chance.

      Thank you for your always present comment! ^ ^

  2. Jajajajajajja, bien merecido!!

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