Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays, my friends!

8 thoughts on “Happy Holidays!

  1. Feliz Navidad Gual!

    Super glad to have you back and active.

    1. We’re glad to be back too! ^ ^

  2. Otro año que se va…

    1. Y un año que viene 🙂

  3. And happy Holidays to you, too, Gual. Celebrate them all, and if you run out, make some more up! ^^

  4. I have not seen lights quite like those before.
    Is this something from where you live or is it a design you came up with?

    1. It’s something from were I live yes. We mentioned it in an earlier publication some time ago. Here it is:
      The candles can go alone or with a lantern like this time 🙂

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