We were just messing around

Twins... sometimes you should check if everyone is having fun.

18 thoughts on “We were just messing around

  1. Well, nice to know they finally got Tina out of there

  2. Hey! Look on the bright side Twins. Now you have two former friends you don’t have to take care of any more….

    1. I don’t think that will make it better ^ ^’

  3. Yeaaaah…they’re gonna have to give her some space.

    1. Whether they want it or not…

      1. Or a difficult appology =P

        1. With chocolate. This may take an apology and chocolate.
          And a lot of grovelling.

          WELCOME BACK!

  4. I was so concerned something had happened to one or both of you, especially when the site went down.

    1. Aw, sorry for making you worried. Here we are safe and sound 🙂

  5. Your friends will always tell you the truth, in all its painful detail

  6. Quien diría que Tina fuera tan sensible

    1. Supongo que todos tenemos algo que nos hace estallar en lágrimas ^ ^’

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