Late indeed...!¡Tarde ciertamente...!
Sorry for the lack of updates. We will be publishing evey two weeks until we get enough material to go as always ^ ^Disculpen por la falta de actualizaciones. Estaremos publicando cada dos semanas hasta que tengamos suficiente material para ir como antes ^ ^
Is not too late to vote :)No es trade para votar :)
17 thoughts on “Stop!|¡Alto!”
This is not good…
Maybe worse than that?
Those are some pretty striking terrified expressions.
Groovy, Kinda
Those are some seriously HUGE spiders!
Fortunatelly toy spiders doesn’t have venom…
Wait, that’s not the problem…
Spechless silence.
Overwelming spechless expression.
*Whew* For a moment there, I thought the Twins weren’t going to find out what it was like to be treated as they had treated others. ^^
Groovy, Kinda
I was really hoping they were gonna stop this in time. Yeah, the twins needed to get pranked, but this is gonna leave scars.
And bad feelings for some time.
And the next time I need to draw someone running, or screaming in terror, I’m gonna steal-I mean, “seek inspiration” from you, my friend!
The typically unbalanced comeback prank… too unbalanced.
We’re flattered about the steali– uh… references. XD We inspired people!
And along came the spiders…
In a present box, at least =P
En un comentario previo, cuando David propuso a Tinaru empatar el marcador con una broma a las gemelas (en noviembre pasado ¡hace ya tantos meses!), dije que eso la haría sentirse mejor y restauraría su relación con las gemelas y la buena sintonía del grupo. Ahora temo que esto se pase de la raya y sólo escale el conflicto dentro del grupo. En cualquier caso, ¡estoy ansioso por ver cómo continuará la historia!
In a previous comment, when David proposed to Tinaru to tie the score with a joke on the twins (last November, so many months ago!), I said that would make her feel better and restore her relationship with the twins and harmony in the gang. Now I’m afraid this will go out of proportions and only escalate the conflict within the group. In any case, I am eager to see how the story will continue!
Oh, y por favor, ¡no se pierdan tanto! Siempre regreso aquí esperando encontrar la nueva tira de este excelente cómic.
Oh, and please don’t get lost so much! I always come back here hoping to find the new strip of this excellent comic.
Sí, lo sentimos. Varias cosas nos habían detenido. Alistamos cosas para seguir con más regularidad.
Ya viene una nueva página, por cierto 🙂