Get ’em!

Yes, in the dream realm, everything seems so normal... ¡Everything! Oh! and this is a present we got for Valentines! From our friend Lisa, author of About in love an justice :D. Thank you!

Perfect for the occasion, eh? Run, girls, run!

Wanna be guilty... of voting? :)
And like, if you haven't done it. Thanks!Y, si no lo has hecho ya, un me gusta. ¡Gracias!
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14 thoughts on “Get ’em!

  1. Spoon!

    1. Fool there is no spoon

      1. Make up your minds, guys!

  2. Robert The Addled

    Catgirl mod startled me the most – no idea what the red-dress is trying to do. Evil eye? (since the one eye has been kept covered until now.)

    1. Evil eye…
      I don’t think the detectives want to know…

    2. my bet, either cybor chic or demonic powers

  3. Pretty much everything here happened to me last Tuesday, so I don’t se what your problem is.

  4. So each of then also possess a speacial ability, look like this case become more interesting every minute.

    Entonces cada uno de lles posee una habilidad especial, este caso se pone cada vez mas interesante.

    1. It looks like that…

  5. Solo puedo reirme, jajajajajajajaajja.

  6. Haha, this was certainly an unexpected twist.

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